
Donate Wool Waste, Fur, and Hair Clippings to Matter of Trust to help in the Gulf Goast Oil Spill Clean-up Effort!

For details, visit MatterofTrust.org

I thought that this charitable foundation was worthy of a mention on the MFC blog. For those of you fiber lovers out there, if you have any unwanted fibers, here is a GREAT cause to donate to during the Gulf Coast's time of need. Let's show how much the Midwest cares!

Some information from the Matter of Trust web-site...

Anyone and Everyone: salons, groomers, wool farmers and individuals
can sign up to donate hair, fur, waste wool... clippings and nylons and funding for our Hair for Oil Spills program.

Thousands of salons, groomers, wool farmers, individuals... mail in hair, fur, wool... clippings, swept up off their floors. The fibers are stuffed into recycled nylons and covered in mesh to make booms or, when possible, woven into hair mats.


  1. Hi,
    I am a sheep farmer. I would like to donate about 400 lbs of wool for the oil spill effort.
    Is the government going to help with reduced prices for shipping costs to get it to the Matter of Trust?

  2. Awesome idea! I'll check it our and forward it too the local alpaca group. I had hair salons were collecting, but never thought of animal fiber! Thanks.

  3. Katy, unfortunately, I have no answer for you. I'm just a loner fiber enthusiast who is passing along the information to those who might be interested in donating. Please visit Matter of Trust's website link for full donation details as well as their contact information. I suggest that you contact them directly with your question :) Hope that helps!

    Teresa, thanks for passing the info along!


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